UIView 和 CALayer 的协作
UIView 和 CALayer 的关系
iOS面试特别喜欢问这个问题,一般回答都是UIView负责事件的交互,CALayer负责绘制;再深入一点,UIView是CALayer的代理,我们基于代理里面的函数 action 展开讲讲。
func action(for: CALayer, forKey: String) -> CAAction?
CAAction在我印象中没有接触过,查看了下文档是用于响应 layer 属性的变化。
An interface that allows objects to respond to actions triggered by a CALayer change.
CALayer 隐式动画 和 UIView 的关系
CALayer大部分属性都是有隐性动画的,这也是我认为 iOS 动画开发体验比 android 好。回到上面的议题,UIView 和 CALayer是一一对应的,你修改了UIView 的属性,其实是设置到CALayer上,但是我们发现一个问题:在UIView 上修改属性,并没有动画效果,但是在animation block中又有了动画效果。
继续观察上面提到的CAAction ,在 CALayer 找到如下函数
func action(forKey event: String) -> CAAction?
- If the layer has a delegate that implements the action(for:forKey:) method, the layer calls that method. The delegate must do one of the following:
- Return the action object for the given key.
- Return the NSNull object if it does not handle the action.
The layer looks in the layer’s actions dictionary for a matching key/action pair.
The layer looks in the style dictionary for an actions dictionary for a matching key/action pair.
- The layer calls the defaultAction(forKey:) class method to look for any class-defined actions.
If any of the above steps returns an instance of NSNull, it is converted to nil before continuing.
大概就是通过:代理(UIView) –> layer actions –> style actions –> class-defined actions. 获取对应的action.
class DLayer: CALayer {
override func action(for layer: CALayer, forKey event: String) -> CAAction? {
let action = super.action(for: layer, forKey: event)
return action
//自定义view 并且自定Layer
class DView: UIView {
override class var layerClass: AnyClass{
return DLayer.self
let view = DView(frame: CGRect.zero)
view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 10) ------ 1
UIView.animate(withDuration: 5) {
view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 20, height: 20) ------ 2
其中1处,打印action 为 **
继续打印 CALayer 添加动画的函数
override func add(_ anim: CAAnimation, forKey key: String?) {
super.add(anim, forKey: key)
<CABasicAnimation:0x600001d9cf20; toValue = NSPoint: {0, 0}; additive = 1; delegate = <UIViewAnimationState: 0x7f9122c084b0>; fillMode = both; timingFunction = easeInEaseOut; duration = 5; fromValue = NSPoint: {-10, -10}; keyPath = position>
<CABasicAnimation:0x600001d9d2c0; toValue = NSPoint: {0, 0}; additive = 1; fromValue = NSPoint: {0, 0}; keyPath = bounds.origin; delegate = <UIViewAnimationState: 0x7f9122c084b0>; fillMode = both; timingFunction = easeInEaseOut; duration = 5>
<CABasicAnimation:0x600001d9d400; toValue = NSSize: {0, 0}; additive = 1; fromValue = NSSize: {-20, -20}; keyPath = bounds.size; delegate = <UIViewAnimationState: 0x7f9122c084b0>; fillMode = both; timingFunction = easeInEaseOut; duration = 5>
是不是感觉非常熟悉,这就是我们平常自定义动画的方式。我们在修改frame时候,默认系统添加了3个animation,分别是 position、bounds.origin、bounds.size。
通过上面的思考,我们对 Layer 和 View 关系有了进一步的了解,特别是 CA Animation这一块。
- UIView 持有 CALayer, 并且是 CALayer的代理
- 如果是通过UIView修改属性造成Layer属性变化时,Layer会通过4个方式来获取CAAction。
- 获取action后,添加对应CALayer CAAnimation